Tuesday, December 22, 2009

practise, practise, practise.

well, guess i was wrong about the previous post being the last of '09.


nothing major, just some sketches from the ol' sketchbook. This'll most probably be my last post of '09.

Merry Xmas y'all!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

mc yan

just a quickie.
based on a image i saw of MC yan from LMF.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


have a major hard-on for drawing apes recently.

i know the colour job's shit in the second one, and was tempted to just post the inked version, but this is what blogs're for - documenting progress!

Friday, October 23, 2009

t-shirt graphics & girly sketches

firstly, some girl sketches, cos i really need the practice.

Next, a series i did for a t-shirt graphics competition. Didn't win (obviously, otherwise you would've heard about it), so i can stick it on here now. Its supposed to be like the clocks you see on walls of government offices, with all the major cities' times displayed. But instead of clocks, its, y'know...food!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

mantis claw

studying...clearly one of nature's finest designs.

Friday, October 16, 2009


another quickie...

just realised, when i'm free-sketching, with no script obligations, majority of the characters face to the left....any shrinks wanna analyze me?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


'xperimenting with colour palettes. as you can see, need a lot more practice.
should also decide on light sources before i scribble....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Just some pages i've been sitting on for a while...
Had the idea for a '30 Days of Night' spin-off tale set in 19th century China. Had the whole intention of finishing it (around 50 pages total) and then submitting it to IDW....but due to other work, new pages for these have been slow.

For the rest of 'em, check out my flickr page:


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

more mugs!

Due to complications with the production of the animal tail mugs, this will probably be the first set to become available for purchase:

currently doing packaging designs for this set.
exciting stuff!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


well, this is what i've been busy with over the past couple months....

and a couple of the samples have come back from the factory:

still not quite perfect yet, in terms of production of the tail/handle part, but we're working on it.

so if these show up in shops near you, please buy one, and i'll get you a pint the next time i see you.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009


been slow on the updates due to a shit-load of work...which i hope to be able to show soon.
but for now, a quickie:

Monday, May 11, 2009

more animals

the boar:

and the rooster (thats me):

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

...and now i'm back

feel free to colour.

Also, while you're here, go visit here aswell: http://mlddesign.blogspot.com

Saturday, April 25, 2009

the ox and the monkey

although the title sounds like a moralistic confucian tale, its actually the next two of the Chinese animal zodiacs.

these are being done in no particular order, by the way, but i'm already having trouble coming up with an idea for the snake (due to the lack of limbs) and will probably do him last.

so if you're born in the year of the snake, you're gonna have to wait a bit to see your's.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

old and new

i did think about re-hashing all my old shit on here, but thought it'd be too time-consuming and a waste of time for those who already follow my work.
For all my old shit, hit this:

For you eager young bucks looking for something new...


originally commished to only do 3 of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals (boar, monkey and rooster), but thought it'd be more complete if i did the whole set. The rest will follow.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Alright y'all.
Second run at this blog thing.
Expect pretty pics and the occasional bit of comical rambling.